DIGIT Infra and architecture details
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DIGIT Infra and architecture details
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The Urban governance stack is built on DIGIT - an open-source platform for digital governance. It is built on OpenAPI (OAS 2.0) and provides API-based access to a variety of urban/municipal services enabling state governments and city administrators to provide citizen services with relevant new services and also integrate the existing system into the platform and run seamlessly on any commercial/on-prem cloud infrastructure with scale and speed.
DIGIT is a microservices-based platform that is built to scale. Microservices are small, autonomous and developer-friendly services that work together.
A big software or system can be broken down into multiple small components or services. These components can be designed, developed & deployed independently without compromising the integrity of the application.
Parallelism in development: Microservices architectures are mainly business-centric.
MicroServices have smart endpoints that process info and apply logic. They receive requests, process them, and generate a response accordingly.
Decentralized control between teams, so that its developers strive to produce useful tools that can then be used by others to solve the same problems.
MicroServices architecture allows its neighbouring services to function while it bows out of service. This architecture also scales to cater to its clients’ sudden spike in demand.
MicroService is ideal for evolutionary systems where it is difficult to anticipate the types of devices that may be accessing our application.
The DIGIT Urban governance stack comes with ready to deploy applications that capture 90% of citizen transactions & 80% of municipality revenue streams.