Master Migration Document

2.9 release master migration document


This page contains the changes related to core and municipal services along with the MDMS, DevOps and configuration setups required to accommodate multi-tenancy. Browse through the details below to learn more about the Central Instance.

Refer to SAAS Guidelines for Central Instance to find additional information.

Migration Steps

Service-request Module - Citizen Feedback Module

The service-request module is required for the surveys to work. Follow the steps given below:

  1. Add the new persister file: service-request-persister

  2. Add the Helm chart

  3. Configure the build

- name: "builds/digit-dev/core-services/service-request"
      - work-dir: "core-services/service-request"
        image-name: "service-request"
        dockerfile: "build/maven/Dockerfile"
      - work-dir: "core-services/service-request/src/main/resources/db"
        image-name: "service-request-db"
  1. Make the role action-mapping changes in the MDMS

AccessControl Actions Test

AccessControl Role Actions

  1. Click on the Job-builder once the above steps are complete.

  2. Restart the following services: egov-accesscontrol, egov-mdms-service, egov-persister

  3. Deploy the service-request module build

    For further details on how to use Citizen-feedback APIs refer to the Citizen Feedback service.

  4. Create the Citizen Feedback Service definitions (as mentioned in the above Citizen Feedback Service document) for modules and flows as per requirement before using it on the UI.

New KPIs

  1. Refer to KPIs: Pendancy, Citizen Feedback and Pt-SLA changes and make changes as per the document.

  2. Restart dashboard analytics with Cluster-configs.

UI Migration Changes

  • Central Instance:

Find the details for prepping the UI build for a new instance.

UI build preparation for a new instance

  • Citizen Consent Form:

This feature allows citizen users to give their consent at the time of logging in.

Add this MDMS file

Documentation: a. Refer to Citizen Consent Form b. Restart MDMS and deploy the latest front-end builds.

  • Citizen Feedback:

A functionality that allows users to provide the user facility to submit feedback/ratings at the end of the service.

Add the MDMS file available here:

  "tenantId": "pb",
  "moduleName": "common-masters",
  "RatingAndFeedback": [
      "type": "isCitizenRatingEnabled",
      "value": true
      "type": "headerByRating",
      "value": [
          "minvalue": 1,
          "maxvalue": 3,
          "code": "CS_WHAT_WENT_WRONG"
          "minvalue": 4,
          "maxvalue": 5,
          "code": "CS_WHAT_WENT_GOOD"
      "type": "enabledScreensList",
      "value": [
          "module": "PT",
          "bussinessService": "PT_CREATE",
          "screenfrom": "pt/property/new-application/acknowledgement",
          "cardHeader": "PT_RATE_HELP_TEXT_CREATE",
          "cardText": "PT_RATE_CARD_TEXT_CREATE"
          "module": "PT",
          "bussinessService": "PT_MUTATION",
          "screenfrom": "pt/property/property-mutation/acknowledgement",
          "cardHeader": "PT_RATE_HELP_TEXT_MUTATE",
          "cardText": "PT_RATE_CARD_TEXT_MUTATE"
          "module": "PT",
          "bussinessService": "PT_UPDATE",
          "screenfrom": "pt/property/edit-application/acknowledgement",
          "cardHeader": "PT_RATE_HELP_TEXT_UPDATE",
          "cardText": "PT_RATE_CARD_TEXT_UPDATE"
          "module": "PT",
          "bussinessService": "PT",
          "screenfrom": "digit-ui/citizen/payment/success",
          "cardHeader": "PT_RATE_HELP_TEXT_PAY",
          "cardText": "PT_RATE_CARD_TEXT_PAY"

In the provided configuration, the parameter headerByRating is utilized to specify the value for the star condition, along with the corresponding message to be displayed on the UI screen. The enabledScreensList parameter is used to indicate the specific flows where the Citizen feedback screen will be presented, allowing citizens to provide reviews.

The rating component is utilized for displaying star ratings on the citizen feedback screen. You can locate this component within the micro-ui-internals folder on the following GitHub link: Rating.js.


a. Refer to Citizen Feedback Documentation for more details.

b. Restart MDMS and deploy the latest front-end builds.

Last updated

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